

  1. 除了缺少廣角焦段外,從28-250mm都涵蓋了(它實際只有約250mm焦長),旅遊出門可以一鏡到底。
  2. 它比18-200多了九片葉片,散景會更漂亮,不過目前為止我個人是覺得七片拍起來也很漂亮,不認真看是看不出來。
  3. 具有nikon新一代VRII防手震功能,相當於四級防手震效果。
  4. 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G AF-S -ED VR 相較起來擁有0,5mm的近攝距離。
  5. 銳利度上在縮小光圈的情況下都還不錯,唯獨28mm端變形較為嚴重,如果在意的人可以先看看別人拍的圖片就知道自己能否接受。
  6. 至於在中間以外的地方容易有色差/紫邊的問題,也是在意的人可以先看看別人拍的圖片就知道自己能否接受,個人覺得沒影響。
  7. 這顆鏡頭在某些焦段容易有暗角,但是我覺得有時候拍照有暗角感覺反而有氣氛,尤其是拍特寫,所以看怎麼拍囉~
  8. 主要還是焦段的問題,如果以目前DX 機身 28mm變成42mm , 少了廣角端,變成要看個人的拍攝習慣了,有人說台灣建築物沒有像其他國家規定得很嚴謹,在鄉村仍然可看到工廠 倉庫到處林立,所以能夠拍大景的機會實在不多,所以如果要去清淨 合歡山這類景點時再換tokina116就可以了,平常用28-300拍人像或街景應該就措措有餘了,另外28-300鏡頭長度比較短不像70-300mm那麼誇張,攜帶上會方便許多。
  9. 最後因為它是設計給FX全幅機種使用,所以以後升級為全片幅機仍然可以繼續使用,當然這是比較不切實際的假設啦~




Nikon 28-300mm VR Review


This is an in-depth review of the new Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens that was released earlier this year along with the Nikon 85mm f/1.4G and Nikon 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G VR DX lenses. The lens was kindly provided by B&H – the largest photo reseller in the world that I use more than any other to buy my photography gear.

It is no secret that Nikon released the Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens largely due to the popular demand of the Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G VR DX. The large zoom range of the Nikon 18-200mm and its generally good performance made it a lens of choice for those, who wanted to have a good lightweight travel lens or only wanted to use one lens on their DSLR cameras. Despite the fact that the lens suffered from some serious issues such as lens creep, heavy distortion and sharpness issues beyond 105mm, some photographers and reviewers praised the 18-200mm so much, that the demand increased significantly, resulting in heavy lens shortages around the world. During this time, Nikon had a hard time keeping the lens on the shelves and the only way to obtain it was to either pay a premium and buy it from Ebay, or order and wait for months until Nikon sent another batch to retailers. I remember this period of time very well, since I had to wait for 3 months to get my copy of the lens. Ever since Nikon released the FX full-frame sensor, more and more photographers have been switching from DX to FX. Since Nikon 18-200mm is a DX lens, an FX camera would fall back to DX mode, giving less than half the resolution – a problematic situation for most photographers that use the current 12 megapixel cameras. Therefore, photographers that made the switch from cropped sensor cameras to full-frame, ended up selling or trading their DX lenses for the above reason, including the much loved Nikon 18-200mm.

Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR

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一大早起床想說來拍拍老婆,幫她記錄一下懷第一胎時的樣子吧(其實是我自己想練拍 哈)




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      自從老婆懷孕以來調養身體 幫忙家裡工作 準備考試 一直沒有時間出去走走,這禮拜碰巧禮拜六不用上

課,老婆的身體狀況 還不錯,雖然是農曆七月也就罷了,一大早開著車來到了小時候常常來的集集-綠色隧道;



幸福 。


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